You will always find in my works the decision to communicate directly
to the public in a simple way. Art has to be generous.
There are too many people that do not know anything
about contemporary art. I would like art to be closer to
a larger public. It has to escape from institutions such
as museums or galleries, to show that it can exist without them,
in an independant way.
The public space is a unique place on which most
of the social life of our society concentrates. To install artworks
in the street is a good way to touch all of us
in our everyday life, to touch people’s sensitivity differently.
It's also a logical place to install my works
because often their theme is the urban
space itself: its evolution, its impact on our attitude,
how it reflects our culture, our identity... Thanks to installations
or actions, I try to create situations that help people to consider
their everyday life spaces differently, giving them some critical
points of view.
Sometimes, I do not present myself as an artist
but as a common girl, an anonymous person that is just taking time
and energy for the street and for the others. It’s a way to
react against individual passivity and show that to act is possible,
that each of us could do things too.
I need to walk around towns and in the countryside.
And for my work to be well-founded, I am used to spend a lot of
time observing the urban space and meeting people. I learn about
history, political decisions, local social situation... I have developed
a large curiosity to discover other countries, to look at different
styles of architecture, how people are living in their home depending
on their tradition. It’s a way to learn about my own culture
and to understand it better. All this helps me to create each time
a new specific piece of art.