outside? -2007

...to the 1st version of "outside?", in Annemasse (Fr)

to Portugal...




Past events




outside? from july till december 2007

I was invited for 3 months (july til septembre) in the social house Adoma des Frères Lumière (Lyon -Fr).

As I have done in Annemasse in 2006, I decided to visit the district of Monplaisir thanks to the inhabitants who presented to me a public space that they like.

With those visits (around 20), I could meet the people, the places and the links that exit between them.

After 3 months of work, to show to the public what I discovered, I installed into the district (on the floor of the street) some white lignes where it was written part of the talkings I had with the inhabitants.


From septembre til decembre 2007, all this artwork was grouped in two exhibitions: one in the social house itself, the other one in the house of youth of Monplaisir and in the public library of the Bachut. To thank the participants, I offered them a portfolio in which they could find all the visited places and the stories that are connected to them.

- invited by Adoma for an artistic residency ; financialy supported by the town ;
partners: adoma, mjc monplaisir, médiathèque du Bachut-