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6th biennal of towns and urban planners

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6th biennal of town and urban planners, june 2005

This international biennal took place in Copenhagen (Dk). A few days before, Urban Task Force invited urban planners, artists, journalists and sociologists to think about "How street creativity can enrich city living?". We were about 20 to discuss about it, to search for solutions that could help the inhabitants to take part in the evolution of the public space of their surrounding (events, changing architectures...).

logo of the biennal.

Those intensiv times gave some concrete results that we presented at the end of the biennal. Two profesionnals were invited to comment our works. One of them is the official architect of Copenhagen. He was very glad to hear about our good intentions to involve the inhabitants in urban planners projects. But quieckly he said that reality was really different. In fact, it was true that our utopian ideas about town planning were contrasting with most of the projects presented at the biennal. He concluded that town planning was more like "a war to impose your idea". So, Mads Bech Paluszewski, one of the participants, asked him "who you think your are pointed your weapon at when you speak about war?"... The debat stopped here.

The next biennal, in 2007 will take place in... Budapest!

one evening of work

board of my group

most of the participants of the workshop proposed by Urban Task Force