





Past events




- Referencies to some of my works:

- Newspapers and radios:

- A German web site present the work I did about the empty spaces of Budapest.

- The same work was given as a reference in a text of Polyak Levente in the publication "Tuzfal" of the FKSE (young artist studio in Budapest), directed by Katarina Sevic and Rita Kalman.

Recently, the connection I got with media, especially local newspapers made me not very optimist about the quality of the news given. News are often bad written, sometimes definitively wrong. The photographs present my face (who care about it?) and not my work. So, instead of presenting the article, I decided to just say if it is right or not.
If you are looking for real information, please check this web site even if there are english mistakes!


- To introduce the Fantasized streets, two newspaper articles were published in Le Progrès (Lyon) in september 2003. I won't present those articles in which our name are not written correctly and the appointment for the beginning of our show is given at a corner of streets that do not exist.

- During the vegetable garden of the Moirages courtyard in sept. 2003, an article is published in Le Progrès, another one in Bulle de Gones (Lyon).

- During the workshop organised by Urban Task Force, an article is written in a Danish news paper.

- Some articles in the canadian press and an interview on M105 radio, for the residency in August 2006 at the 3e impérial.

- About the art work "outside?",a very bad paper in Le Messager, local news of Annemasse who gave me some words I had never say. Shame on them.