Before 2000, few steps


...before 2000, artworks








Of course it is impossible to reference all of what brought me to my actual work and way of thinking. At least, we can easily remark some few steps:

I spent 3 years in the high school G. Fauré in Annecy (94-97). That was probably the first important meeting with art thanks to Mr Deplante and Ménassé. Our two teachers (of arts and French) helped us to create a real connection to art: they invited us to take photographs, to create a monumental sculpture on snow, to exhibit and publish our artworks, to meet artists and writters... In one word: to be sensitively alive.

Then came the time of the Art School of Grenoble... (97-02). This school let me free to express myself and finaly definite an obsession: looking for my own space. That brought me mainly to architecture and town planning...


It's only at the beginning of the year 2000 that I discovered a text by Georges Perec in 'Espèces d'espaces'. It is telling exactly my feelings about the space I am looking for. That way all my works could find a direct connection to this text where G. Perec explains that he would like to find a reference home, a place where nothing is changing, out of time and full of childhood memories. And because this place do not exist he needs to look for it, to question our living place and any kind of spaces and to find ways to appropriate them. That's also what I was trying to do...