Budapest, 2000 - 2005


to Villeurbanne...




Past events




Budapest, 2000-2005

I went to a country where I had never gone before, and where I knew nobody. To feel like a stranger was hard but enriching in the same time. It was very often to feel alone in the middle of a group, meanly at the beginning of my stay and till I became used to be a foreigner.
In the same time, I focused my attention on my artworks that concentrated a lot of feelings that I couldn't communicate with words.

Budapest concentrate a lot of different aspect. That's what probably inspired my artwork and brought it in the street where it could grow wihout constraints.

Thank to the teacher of the Academy of Fine Art (meanly from the intermedia department) who supported my work and gave me the courage to make my ideas come true.


- photographs -

- paintings on the floor and billposting -

- installations and photographs -

- actions -

- painting in the street -